When the body is at its weakest, it's beating cancer in the best way under the best circumstances. What we supply for you is lavender oil, lip balm, lotion, coloring books, lemon drops, markers, and word search books in an attempt to try and distract you from any discomfort you may be experiencing. Many people don't know this, but one's own outlook regarding whether they will survive or succumb makes a gigantic difference.
Our son Jack was still very fragile and delicate when he had his treatments as a young boy. The seizures, lingering tiredness, and various side effects made it impossible for him to be a normal child, and one of the worst things a parent can experience is knowing that your child cannot have the same privileges as other children.
We were eventually referred to a place called Camp Heart Connection, which provides a camp for children who are dealing with cancer or have successfully beaten it. It's a safe and fun environment for children who can relate to one another through their experiences dealing with this disease. One of the kids described the camp in this way, "it's where no one stares, and everyone cares."
Many of the camp counselors, if not most of them, were campers themselves originally, and there are plenty of doctors and nurses always on staff. The duration of the stay is one week per year, and our son Jack is just like every other child when he visits. Camp Heart Connection has been indispensable to our family during this trial, and they even provide a sibling camp where brothers and sisters can have fun too.
It goes without saying that cancer affects an entire family, and our greatest fear was that even if we had physically stopped the cancer itself, the emotional trauma of the entire ordeal would have done us in. Thankfully, this wasn't the case, and we cannot express our gratitude enough to the camp since they have provided all kinds of support to children like Jack that we wouldn't have been able to provide. Ben and Ella are looking forward to becoming sibling camp counselors in the near future.
If you'd like to know more about Camp Heart Connection,
click here.
Camp Kesem is another amazing camp that we recommend for children if they have or had a parent with cancer. There are priceless, lifelong friendships made with so many people, and we have been truly blessed to be within the vicinity of this camp here in Iowa to support us along with other families to give the children the outlet they need. To know more about Camp Kesem,
click here.
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